GetMyFirstJob Media Buyer

Our data set is genuinely unique in the industry.

Others may claim to have as many email addresses, but no-one delivers the same level of insight or the flexibility in planning and execution. We can help you shape and deliver your message to different groups to ensure it resonates with them. Whether you are focusing on a specific agenda such as inclusion, or simply interested in getting your message out to key groups at important events in their lives, such as exam results day, we will deliver.

Plan your campaigns based on age, location, careers interests, academic stage, predicted and actual grades, UCAS points, ethnicity or even gender. All of this is backed up by full analytics and reporting.

Talk to us to find out more!

Proven team. Proven Insight

From the UK's #1 Emerging Talent Dataset.

Royal Mail Campaign - Showcase

Although Royal Mail have receive plenty of applications for roles, their conversion to their 16 assessment centre attendees was challenging. The attraction campaign was delivered in a tight time frame, only 2.5 weeks, however, Royal Mail saw a spike in website visitors over Christmas and New Year thanks to GMFJ. Candidate calls, including evening schedules, made by the GMFJ recruitment team were the key success factor in delivering applications. GMFJ segmented candidate data by academic grade and location, selecting candidates with A/B grades as the most likely to pass online testing, educating them about the fantastic roles, salary and the career opportunities within such a large and well-known brand.